East Coast Health Insurance

East Coast Health Insurance
Florida Health Insurance

Florida Health Insurance News

Friday, September 4, 2009


I just left the house of a 47 year old man who I had met with nearly 2 years ago, when I originally met him I was so concerned with myself and my life I never considered researching Florida public assistance programs. My business was selling health insurance and I did the best I could to give the person the most health insurnace I could for the least money. I went so far as to license with every reputable company and have never so much as held a discount plan in my hand much less sold one.

I would try to write somebody with the most suitable Florida health insurance company that was of course the most suitable and if I failed, I considered it to be not my fault and not my problem. Success gives people a chance to reflect and due to my diligence in selling the best company to people I attained a very solid level of success in a very difficult business.

Back to this guy John (fictitious name), I drive to his house in South Florida (and I never go on face to face appointments and try to not even pick up the phone if possible) and I get out of the car and find out that his COBRA ended in April and he was now without health insurance as someone swindled him into buying United American which he quickly figured out was a bogus company.

Having had cancer in the last two years he was uninsurable unless you know a way around the system. Most brokers do and I learned one my first day which I was about to do for this guy as he out of work and needed insurance.

But upon hearing his situation (I had forgotten, had he reminded me, he could have saved me three hours of my life) I sent him right over to the Broward health district program and lost a sale.

Health reform is not about me or any liberal organization, it is about people that through no fault of their own have no health coverage because of either a health or wealth situation. Most people don’t have me or my company as a broker and would most likely have ended up paying $300 per month when they could have a free insurance policy. Most people don’t know me nor should they have the displeasure of getting to know me. But all people deserve health coverage and medical attention. John is lucky, most people like him are in way worse situations that I can’t solve.

In the end there is nothing that I can do about this situation that I am not already doing, but I would really love to hear that more people regardless of political motivation see that this situation rises above politics and finance.

Support health reform in Florida, Support FCAN.org and all health reform organizations.

From: http://dyn.politico.com/snetwork/profile/profile_blog_view.cfm?id=1B916539802FAD2DF661C8139844CD74

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